A payday loan is a type of short-term personal loan that offers instant cash for sudden needs. It does not check credit history and does not require any guarantor or collateral. The application process for payday loans is simple and fast. This is why it is a popular option for people who are experiencing an emergency situation and need immediate cash. Easy to apply Getting a payday loan is a quick and easy way to get the money you need when you need it most. Unlike traditional loans, this type of funding doesn’t require collateral or a guarantor. This means you can receive the cash you need without putting your home or car at risk. Applying for a payday loan online is simple and fast. After you fill out an application, lenders will perform a soft credit pull to verify your identity and income. This will not impact your credit score. However, you will still need to provide a bank account number and other financial details. These lenders offer short-term, high-interest ...